
Assignment of theses

The final theses in the AG Riehle are usually not pure literature theses but include the development of small prototypes or the collection and analysis of data. Below you will find a list of suggested topics. It is also possible to submit your own topic suggestions, as long as they can be assigned to one of the following topics:

  • Sensors and Internet-of-Things (LoRa, etc.)
  • Cloud architectures (IT infrastructures, virtualization, orchestration, etc.)
  • Data management and data analytics

Please refrain from inquiries that cannot be assigned to any of the above areas.

Topics for theses

Anthropomorphic Design of Pedagogical Conversational Agents
For: Bachelor, Master
Pedagogical Conversational Agents (PCAs) are increasingly utilized in educational settings to facilitate and enhance the learning process. These agents are commonly implemented as text-based chatbots, functioning as conversational interfaces that provide instructional support. PCAs can serve as tutors or motivators, assisting learners in achieving their educational objectives. This thesis aims to integrate anthropomorphic design elements, i.e., features that enhance the agent’s human-like appearance and interaction, into an existing tutoring chatbot. The primary objectives of this research are to conduct a comprehensive review of relevant literature, implement human-like design features, and evaluate their impact on user experience and learning outcomes.
Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Dennis Riehle
Tutor: Anna Wolters, M.Sc.awolters@uni-koblenz.de

Application for a topic

Please proceed as follows when applying for thesis supervision:

  1. Contact the respective tutor responsible for your topic via e-mail.
  2. Briefly explain your motivation for the targeted topic.
  3. In the attachment to your e-mail, send an excerpt of your previous academic achievements so that we can see which subjects you have successfully completed.
  4. Indicate the date when you would like to write the thesis (from/until).

We will be happy to explain the detailed terms of reference to you in a personal meeting afterwards. Please note: A condition for supervision is the acceptance of a research proposal written by you. You will receive the necessary assistance from your chosen tutor.


Research proposal

For all theses, a research proposal according to our template must be submitted before starting the work. Please send this proposal to your tutor for approval.

The research proposal is divided into the sections "Motivation of the thesis", "Formulation of objectives" and "Methodological approach". The proposal should already be provided with several literature sources, especially in the area of motivation, and should consist of a total of 1-2 pages of text.

Writing the thesis

The processing time for your thesis can be found in your examination regulations; as a rule, this is six months. When writing your thesis, you must adhere to the layout guidelines of our working group, for which we will provide you with appropriate templates:

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